About Me

Moni Storz (Phd)
I am a cross cultural consultant, writer and specialist in Chinese and other Asian business cultures. I train and educate people on how to navigate and manage Asian business cultures, and give them the how to's regarding doing business in Asia.
I am the artistic director for the ACT (Australasian Chinese Theatre Company) and founder of ACCS (Australasian Centre of Chinese Studies).
Melbourne, Victoria

China Matters: Whether we like it or not.

China matters. Whether we like it or not. China matters because the most powerful nation on planet earth is now a debtor to China. China over a relatively short period is now a creditor nation. Money matters. Who owes money and who loans money is a simple equation of who has more power.
China has always mattered. Back in the days of the bamboo curtain, China mattered in a signicant way because together with Russia and little Albania, North Korea and North Vietnam, it formed the communist bloc, anti-thesis to the democratic ideals held by the free world, so called.
In a short space of time, with the liberalised reforms spear headed by Deng Hsiao Peng and fueled by the rapid internet revolution, China, the dragon awakes. The world no longer watches, the world has to speed along this dragon of 1.4 billion people, the biggest market ever. It is time to get to know the Chinese. Who are they? what is their culture? what is their language or do they speak dialects?

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