Reading this book makes me think : that is a good thing. I haven't thought for a long time. Google makes me think about the Chinese guanxi. I like the fact that google and guanxi both begin with a "G" and so does the word God. Jarvis makes Google sounds like God... as for us Chinese we really don't have a god - our unconscious culture is shaped more by Confucianism than Taoism. For those who designate ourselves as Buddhists, well, we all know that Buddhism is not a religion, let alone it having a god of any sort. Google and guanxi have a lot in common. For a start both are webs. Guanxi is best described as a web of connections and interconnections. A knows B and B knows C and this looks like three people. In actual fact, it is more than 3. It is infinite. Sounds familiar in the internet age. Reminds us of facebook and linkedin, doesn't it? And of course, google. Hence when doing business with the Chinese, guanxi is important. If you had grasped the significance of google, then perhaps you are beginning to understand the significance of guanxi. Connection, connection, connection, that is the most shared recipe for success when doing business with the Chinese. Yet the hardest recipe to follow.
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