About Me

Moni Storz (Phd)
I am a cross cultural consultant, writer and specialist in Chinese and other Asian business cultures. I train and educate people on how to navigate and manage Asian business cultures, and give them the how to's regarding doing business in Asia.
I am the artistic director for the ACT (Australasian Chinese Theatre Company) and founder of ACCS (Australasian Centre of Chinese Studies).
Melbourne, Victoria

How China Matters if you are in relationship with a Chinese

China matters specially to you if you in a social or business relationship with a Chinese person. This includes yourself as everyone has a relationship with oneself. Many of us who are Chinese by ethnicity often wonder whether this is a plus or a minus if we live outside China. Should we consider ourselves as Chinese or what? I manage this by simply saying I am an Australian or Malaysian citizen but Chinese by ethnicity or parentage. Then what does this really mean? Of course, one then has to answer what is Chinese or Chinese-ness? and not being born in China matters or not?
Reviewing my life, my answer is YES! China matters! why? for me China matters because the Chinese culture having gone through centuries of transformation, remains essentially intact on a subterranean level, on its unconscious level. On this level, in spite of modernisation and globalisation, China is still shaped by the Confucianist ethic. Yes, China matters on this level for on this platform, the Confucianist Ethic informs not only 1.4 billion Chinese psyche but also that of the 25 million or so members of the Chinese diaspora and the Chopsticks people of Japan, Korea and Vietnam! On this unconscious level China matters for most of its citizens do not realise that their unconscious cultural psyche is Confucianistic. This, when juxtaposed with a communistic government with trappings of modern capitalism, make for a mighty dragon!
In relationships, whether business or social, what is the significance of this? it depends how well you know your cultural psyche: whether you are white Anglo Australian, Canadian, American or Japanese, Indian or Arabic.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, and as the tide of mainland Chinese migration washes over the distant shores of other countries, you will see the effects of a cultural tsunami on these countries. There will certainly be an exponential growth of inter-cultural marriages over the next few years. Time for relationship counsellors and therapists to learn all about inter-cultural issues!